What was the British life style like hundreds of
years ago during the Boer and British war

Who started the Boer and British war you ask?
When did it end?
Well I have the answers for you

The first Boer war was started by the British because they intruded on the Boers land.There are several stories that will be told.
One important man of the British is Cecil John Rhodes  (5 July 1853 – 26 March 1902) was an English-born businessman, mining magnate, and politician in South Africa. He was the founder of the diamond company De Beers, which today markets 40% of the world's rough diamonds and at one time marketed 90%. He was an ardent believer in colonialism and imperialism, and was the founder of the state of Rhodesia, which was named after him. Rhodesia, later Northern and Southern Rhodesia eventually became Zambia and Zimbabwe respectively. South Africa's Rhodes University is named after him, and he is also known for the Rhodes Scholarship which
is funded by his estate.

It was actually the Boer who started the war because they disagreed to Alfred the miner because he wanted to build some gold mines in the place of the Dutch Boers republic which was of the transvaal and another Orange Free State. Also Alfred wanted to create a cape-to-Cairo confederation which was of the British colonies so it could dominate the African continent ofcourse with himself as the ruler [proposed ruler].

The Boer and British second war actually started in 1899-1902
There were several Casualties and losses in the first war

408 killed and 315 wounded.
In the second Boer war there were 6000-7000 died from fighting and 14000 died from diseases.
