These are some links to other websites about when cultures meet because that is what we are learning in class.

The Vikings in Britain.

One of the best sources of income of the vikings was the large and rich Britain and there was gained glory and prestige in Britain like nowhere else. They plundered, extorted taxes (danegeld), acted as mercenaries and tradesmen. They also settled, cultivated land and aquired big importance in the development of cities.To find out more cheak out

The British in Australia.

 The British didnt only fight the Boers they also fought the Aboriginals(the native Australians)because they found Australia and thought it would be a great place to dump all the crimanals that didnt fit in the prisons cause they where over full.
The prisonars of mother england or in another word "POME".
If you want to find out more about the British in Australia cheak out