When did the Boers and British meet and why did they fight?

Well does anyone here know when and why the Boers and British fought.?Well on this website im going to tell you exactly that.

The first Boer war was from the period of 20th of december 1880 - 23 march 1881.The location was South Africa.
British arrival in South Africa began in 1806 took over parts of the Cape. This lead to conflicts with the existing people and the British in 1852 the British recognized the independence of Transvaal and in 1854 the independence of the Orange Free State. In 1867 diamonds were discovered in a part of the Orange Free State. This lead to a diamond rush with people all around the world coming to look for diamonds and in the 1870's it was annexed by the British. In 1877 tensions began to harden as the Boers those living in the Orange
Free State said this had been a violation of the 1854 treaty. In December 1880 Transvaal revolted and redeclared its independence. Boer farmers attacked the 94th foot column leading to the British formely declaring war against Transvaal.

The second Boer war was fought from October 11, 1899, until May 31, 1902, the Second Boer War comprised the battles between the British Empire and two different republics, the South African Republic, also known as Transvaal, and the Orange Free State.

Buildup of the War The onset of war was complex and resulted from nearly 200 years of conflict between the belligerents. Following the
Napoleonic Wars, the British seized control of the Cape Colony in 1806. Due to British persecution, the Boer population migrated away from British rule in the eastern coast. Most of the people arrived in Natal, but were annexed in 1843. The Boer continued northwards and established the two republics. In 1852, the British recognized the republics. In 1877, the empire decided to annex the South African Republic, leading to the First Boer War that lasted until 1881. The British were defeated, however, at the Battle of Majuba with heavy losses.

With the discovery of massive gold deposits in 1886, a number of British returned to the region in search of fortune and employment. This made the South African Republic the richest nation in southern Africa. The British immigrants began fighting with the Boer citizens over political and economic rights. Dr. Leander Starr Jameson, the administrator of Rhodesia, led a raid in Johannesburg designed to spark an overall revolution in the region. The South African armies surrounded the column in 1895 and the plot failed.

Tensions continued to rise regarding the rights of the British immigrants and the empire used this as an excuse to attempt to take control of the gold mining industry. As negotiations between the British and the Boers broke down, an ultimatum was issued to the Boers by the British Colonial Secretary Joseph Chamberlain in September 1899. This called for full equality for the British immigrants as well as traditional residents of the Boer population. The President of the South African Republic, Paul Kruger, threatened war if the British did not remove its troops from the border within 48 hours. The British declines and war began between the empire and the South African Republic and their allies, the Orange Free State.