Do you know who the boers are?
When they met the british?

"Hello my name is Maria"
"Hello my name is  Aleisha".
Welcome to the best website in the whole world.

In our pages today we will be telling you some history of when the Boers and British met in South Africa. We have links on to other websites about lots more interesting facts about the Boers and British.

If you have any Questions , just go on our blog and comment.
We will get back to you.
We hope you have fun learning about these cultures and  when and how  they met.


These are the British.

These are the British they are on our website and we will tell you a bit about  what it was like during the war.
If you want to learn more then go to British on our website.
If you are wondering what this picture is well its when the British were marching on Pretoria.

These are the Boers.

These are the Boers and on our website we have a range of facts about this unusual culture  and how they came to met the British. Firstly I want to tell you a bit about this unusual culture so you can see if you want to learn more.
Boer is a dutch word for farmer